[TenTec] Computer controled radios
Steve Ellington
Thu, 13 May 1999 17:13:20 -0400 (EDT)
The advantage is:
The radio becomes a part of the pc and allows it to be interfaced to rest
of the computer world. For instance, one can link to the pc via a modem
remotely and control the radio from some remote site. Internet control is
also possible allowing remote tuning, data transmission and program
recording. There are a lot of potential for other uses but for normal use,
I agree with you.
On Thu, 13 May 1999, William Lee wrote:
> What is it with the Amaueur Radio manufactures who think that controling a
> $2500 radio with a $1200 computer is all that wonderful?
> The graphic interface looks and works just like a real radio....
> so does my real RADIO!
> and without waiting for a boot-up.
> Do I really need 10,000 memorys ( I have a bunch now... a new one with each
> turn of the dial).
> What is the great advantage?
> My computer prints out a great looking grocery list but it is a lot less
> time to make one up with a pen and paper.
> Is it a fad or what? ... I just dont get it.
> William Lee N5WRX
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Steve Ellington N4LQ
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