[TenTec] 6N2 Multimode Rig
Peter Inskeep
Sat, 15 May 1999 16:51:17 -0400
The one page handout from TT does not say anything about an RS-232 port,
nor does it have any pictures or drawings of the rig. I did not look for
an RS-232 port when I was looking the rig over. The rig was described to
me by one of the TT staff as being "a work in progress." I took that to
mean that the design was not yet frozen into production mode. Perhaps an
impassioned plea to TT would convince them of the need to add an RS-232
interface, if there is not already one there. I knew the 6N2 was familiar
from the past, but did not remember to what rig or company it referred.
Pete, NO2D
Pewee Valley, KY.
Greg Hodsdon wrote:
> Peter and Reflectees:
> Thanks for the update Peter. In addition to the features you mention,
> does the rig have an RS232 interface or the capability to add one as an
> option? Interesting...the "6N2" moniker was used by Johnson Viking of
> yesteryear.
> Greg, K7KJ
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