[TenTec] Pegasus

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, P.E. geraldj@ames.net
Mon, 17 May 1999 12:14:50 -0500

I think there's more solutions than problem. Undoubtedly with 56 K or
ethernet between a local and remote computer (at the radio) there ought
to be the possibility of operating the radio (probably only takes data
at 4800 baud leaving the rest of the bandwidth for bidirectional audio)
and sending key closures and swapping audio back and forth. Both
computers probably would work handiest if equipped with sound cards.
Especially the remote computer should be running something robust like
Jinx or OS/2 that won't need hourly rebooting like most windoze
applications. Getting ethernet to fiber is not difficult, many makers
have adapters for about $125 each end. At least to cheap fiber good for
a mile or two. Getting the fiber stretched would be a pain, bigger than
getting permits for a tower...

And if ethernet works, the same software probably could work via
internet giving more flexibility.

I don't know yet how to make it all work, but I'm working on giving my
programs access to networks, when I make that work, I'll have found out
a lot more. Linux might prove to be the easiest to work with, though
Xwindows I've not worked out yet. My customer wants mostly OS/2.

73, Jerry, K0CQ

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