[TenTec] SSB below 7040, heck, below 7025!!
Tue, 02 Nov 1999 07:33:11 -0700
Peter A. Klein wrote:
Which reminds me. During the SSB CQWW contest last weekend, I was
> surprised to hear a lot of 40m SSB in the Extra CW band. Is this a new thing, or did I just not notice it before? This is a dangerous precedent for the CW bands. If it's OK in one contest, it will end up happening in others. This problem is just a reflection of the untenable situation of 40m worldwide. Let's hope that one of these days WARC realigns the whole 40m ham band down and the broadcasters up, so that all the hams of the world have more space to talk to each other at night. Something like 6900-7200 for the hams, 7200 and up for the broadcasters.
I also noticed contest SSB below 7025 out here on the west coast.
It's a constant problem because almost every morning we hear the Mexican
welfare net on LSB at about 7003 and a large number of weak LSB and USB
signals coming from somewhere in Asia (not JA) such as the Philipines,
Indonesia or Malasia (not sure which country). They are channelized and
spaced 5 kHz apart such as 7000, 7005, 7010, 7015 (USB and LSB) etc.
Often, you can hear these people whistling or singing native songs on
the air. It has not helped DXing on the low end of 40 at all but it does
allow one to put the ten tec filters to the test.
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