[TenTec] Looking for Cosair Accessories

Greg Hodsdon k7kj@teleport.com
Sat, 06 Nov 1999 21:03:00 -0800

I presume you are referring to the Corsair model 560. It came stock with a
4-pole first IF (9Mhz) filter and an 8-pole PBT IF (6.3 Mhz) filter. A popular
option which TenTec advertised was to upgrade the first IF filter with the model
220 (2.4khz, 8-pole). This filter is also in the transmit path. The selectable
optional filters are all in the PBT IF and are the 1.8khz, 500hz and 250hz
filters which are the same as used in today's Omni 6 plus. Which filters you
"need" is a personal choice and depends upon your operating style. If you sit on
75 meter phone and ragchew you probably would not see the need for additional
filters. If you contest or chase DX or operate much CW then you'll wish you had
all the filters. The remote VFO (model 263) and Power supply/Speaker (model 260)
were options. The optional antenna tuners were the model 227 (200watt) and model
229 (2kw, the model 4229 was the kit version). Good luck with your Corsair, it's
a great radio.
Greg, K7KJ
Portland, OR

March00 wrote:

> Fellow Ten-Techies
> I am intrested in obtaining the matching power supply and antenna turner for
> the Cosair and the 2.4 and 1.8Khz filter..The rig does not have any filters
> in it now and really, I can;t see that I need them that badly.
> Does anyone know if there are any other matching accessories for the Cosair?
> thanks much
> Nick


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