[TenTec] Pegasus power supply . .

Steve Ellington n4lq@iglou.com
Mon, 8 Nov 1999 08:05:53 -0500 (EST)

Everytime something goes wrong, the first question they ask you is "what
brand of power supply are you using"? If you say "Brand X" then they say
ahhhhhhaaaaa that's probably the trouble! One advantage to TT supplies is
they interface with their rigs and allow you to control the ac power from
the rig panel. Also, they have the correct connector on the dc cable,
provide an excess current breaker set to trip at 22 amps or so and come
with a schematic for troubleshooting. Finally there is good repair service
available when needed from the factory. 

On Mon, 8 Nov 1999, Al Patrick wrote:

> Can anyone tell me why I should by the Ten Tec Power Supply # 962 for $275 when I
> can find power supplies from about $100 up with the same amperage?  I found one for
> $149.95 that is 35A surge and 30A continuous which is adjustable and regulated.  I
> found another place that had linear amps (29#) with 35A ICS and 25A Cont. which had
> front panel variable current and voltage controls and also had volt and amp meters
> for $179.00 which is roughly $100 less than Ten-Tec's (actually $96) and their
> switching power supply with 30A ICS and 25A Cont. was only $139.
> I hear the Ten-Tec has a speaker built in, and it would be nice to keep the Ten-Tec
> name, but are there other reasons I should get the 962?
> Thanks,
> Al
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Steve Ellington N4LQ

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