[TenTec] TenTec RX-320 S-meter question.
Wed, 17 Nov 1999 13:42:17 -0500
Thank you Caitlyn,
I just wanted to kick up some dust. This list has been too quiet this
week! I know , I know, when will it all end....
You made my day. Thank you. Jeff
On Wed, 17 Nov 1999 13:12:34 -0500 "Caitlyn Martin"
<caitlyn@netferrets.net> writes:
> Hi, Jeff,
> > and just change
> > frequency or go back to CW where the real hams are. (Yes this is a
> stab
> > at the No-class tech's, if your so lazy not to learn CW then find
> another
> > hobby and leave us alone.)
> You know, if all the people who didn't like CW (myself included)
> left, that
> would be, oh... 80% of the ham community. You'd have no bands left
> in
> nothing flat. Oh, and I am not too lazy. I worked hard to pass my
> 13 WPM
> on the *fourth* try some years ago. The theory tests were easy by
> comparison, including the Advanced.
> Do not blast the no-code techs. They are over 50% of the ham ranks,
> last I
> checked. They are the majority. They are more welcome to me than
> arrogant
> know-it-alls like you who want to tell me I am not a real ham
> because I do
> not and will not work an archaic, historical mode like CW. Morse is
> wonderful for those who enjoy it, and I understand that it *was* a
> vital
> means of communication in the not too distant past, but that was
> then and
> this is now.
> The best way to destroy this hobby is to drive people away. In case
> you
> didn't read the FCC numbers last year (the only numbers that
> matter), for
> the very first time in history the number of licensed hams declined.
> Oh,
> not by much, but the decline is real.
> Oh, and the FCC is about to restructure ham radio licensing. We
> will have a
> report-and-order shortly. CW will be deemphasized, and the required
> code
> speed for the top license won't be 20 WPM any more. It won't even
> be 13, if
> my sources are correct. I expect that when the ITU does away with
> the
> international requirement for CW, which will eventually happen, so
> will the
> FCC.
> You can gripe about it all you want, but you do not decide who is
> and is not
> a ham, or even a "real" ham. The FCC does.
> >
> > Thank you, I do feel better now!
> So do I. Much, much better. It's been a while since I told one of
> you
> dinosaurs off after you went and insulted the majority of the ham
> community.
> Heck, I felt insulted, too. Oh, and for the older gentlemen on the
> list,
> dinosaur refers to an attitude, not age. IMHO, you can be mentally
> young at
> 95, and a dinosaur and live in the past at 20, and I, for one,
> appreciate
> some of the older generation who elmered me along.
> 73,
> Caity
> (who was a General before there was such a thing as a No-Code Tech)
> P.S.: Flames in response will be filed on my machine at home under
> /dev/null
> --
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