[TenTec] A few points
Steve Ellington N4LQ
Wed, 17 Nov 1999 19:10:49 -0500
1. The fist TenTec rigs were CW only. This includes the TX-100 CW
transmitter and PowerMite transceiver series.
2. TenTec has continued to make CW only rigs throughout their history
such as the Century 21, 22 and now the T-kits.
3. Voice communications is far older and archaic. The first recorded
words being "Let there be light".
4. If the cw mode became archaic when voice transmission was invented,
1916 or so, then voice became archaic 16 years later.
5. Most critical information is transmitted via digital means. Voice
is seldom used for transmission of data.
6. It takes no skill and very little mind power to express ones self
vocally. Even non-hams can utter sounds.
7. Knowledge of Code is the only OBVIOUS different between CB and Ham
radio. Seldom does one hear bootleg CBers using cw.
8. Voice transmission is fun and entertaining for amateurs and should
remain legal but more carefully regulated due to widespread abuses.
9. TenTec owners should be most anxious to work cw due to the strong
cw background of the company.
Steve N4LQ
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