[TenTec] Pegasus
Steve Ellington
Fri, 19 Nov 1999 17:11:29 -0500 (EST)
Here we go again. No, I didn't think the review was biased. But let's not
be so blasted sensitive when someone makes a suggestion, asks a question
or points out some shortcomming about a TenTec rig! Every time someone
makes a negative comment we hear the same old cry...
The Pegasus, being a black box type rig, was not intended to sit in full
view. I plan on putting mine back behind the table if it ever gets
here. So here's the point:
The internal speaker is of little use since the rig is out of the way.
The rig has an audio amplifier so why should I need "amplified speakers"?
I understand it has an unused jack so why didn't they hook it up?
I wouldn't have made the rig cost $3,000 to put a speaker jack on it would
What about a headphone jack? Could that be used for a speaker or is it
loaded with resistors?
All of that aside, It is quite apparant they really have a bargin and I'm
certainly anxious to fire up mine. The comments about using Netmeeting
were especially interesting.
Now don't start fussing at us who point these
things out or want to discuss them. These are just toys after all!
> gauging from what I heard from Scott when I visited there in September.
> Jeez, guys, don't you think you're reading into this a bit? Are you
> expecting your Pegasus to be the equivalent of a $3,000 radio? If it were
> that good, they'd be selling it for a lot more money! There is no
> "perfect" rig, and no perfect price point, for that matter.
Steve Ellington N4LQ
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