[TenTec] Centaur construction: Bravo! Bravo!
Gene A. Williamson
Fri, 19 Nov 1999 15:16:24 -0800
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Some time back I spoke up here about the "cheesy" switches and
bandswitch knob on the Centaur. A short conversation with the factory
my suspicion: for competitive marketing reasons, Ten-Tec was forced to hit an
exact price point, and something had to give. The tech mailed me -free of
charge - a replacement knob and toggle switch. When it arrived, the knob
out to be a Titan/Centurion bandswitch knob, with the requisite, and more
expensive, brass insert. Looks quite nice on the Centaur as well, IMHO. Now
that I'm taking the amp apart to replace the toggle switch, I'm astounded:
Front panel cosmetics aside, there have been absolutely *NO*
corners cut
in interior construction of the Centaur (I owned one of the other guy's amps
before). Where "Brand X" would use a sheet metal screw, T-T has machine screws
AND, quite often, lockwashers; where the other guys have 1/16" aluminum, T-T
has 1/8". When I removed a circuit board that must have eight Molex connectors
on it, I discovered each connector was carefully, and legibly, numbered on the
connector itself and on the circuit board. No more drawing maps in order to
Mr. Ten-Tec, please accept my apology for knocking your little
I'm dropping three Svetlana 572Bs in it, and expect to run a super-cool.
super-QSK 600 watts out dang near forever ....
73 Gene K7dBV <genewill@ordata.com>
be well,
gene <genewill@ordata.com> Vox 541.683.4164 Fax 541.344.3413
Benefits-selling copy: brochures, DM ... http://qth.com/inaword
Having a bummer day? Tell it to ... http://www.getalife2020.com
Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"
<html><div><x-tab> </x-tab>Some
time back I spoke up here about the "cheesy" switches and
bandswitch knob on the Centaur. A short conversation with the factory
confirmed my suspicion: for competitive marketing reasons, Ten-Tec was
forced to hit an exact price point, and something had to give. The tech
mailed me -free of charge - a replacement knob and toggle switch. When it
arrived, the knob turned out to be a Titan/Centurion bandswitch knob,
with the requisite, and more expensive, brass insert. Looks quite nice on
the Centaur as well, IMHO. Now that I'm taking the amp apart to replace
the toggle switch, I'm astounded:</div>
<div><x-tab> </x-tab>Front
panel cosmetics aside, there have been absolutely *NO* corners cut in
interior construction of the Centaur (I owned one of the other guy's amps
before). Where "Brand X" would use a sheet metal screw, T-T has
machine screws AND, quite often, lockwashers; where the other guys have
1/16" aluminum, T-T has 1/8". When I removed a circuit board
that must have eight Molex connectors on it, I discovered each connector
was carefully, and legibly, numbered on the connector itself and on the
circuit board. No more drawing maps in order to reassemble!</div>
<div><x-tab> </x-tab>Mr.
Ten-Tec, please accept my apology for knocking your little Centaur. I'm
dropping three Svetlana 572Bs in it, and expect to run a super-cool.
super-QSK 600 watts out dang near forever ....</div>
<div>73 Gene K7dBV
<font face="Courier, Courier">be well,<br>
gene <genewill@ordata.com> Vox 541.683.4164 Fax
Benefits-selling copy: brochures, DM ...
<a href="http://qth.com/inaword" eudora="autourl">http://qth.com/inaword</a><br>
Having a bummer day? Tell it to ...
<a href="http://www.getalife2020.com/" eudora="autourl">http://www.getalife2020.com</a></font></html>
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