[TenTec] Omni VI and Heil mike
Brian J Keegan
Sat, 20 Nov 1999 10:18:15 -0500
>I gave up and sold my Heil (and adapter connectors) when it wouldn't
>work with my Omni VI+ or our club's Icom IC-781 and Yaesu FT-1000.
My wife (and I, the few times I work SSB) has been using a Heil Proset 5 on
our Omni VI Plus with no problems whatsoever. We are both constantly told we
have great audio. I made the adapter cable for the Omni after receiving two
very poorly Heil constructed cables for our TS-450S.
I originally bought the TS-450 cable to save time. It failed while on
vacation in Maine (it was two weeks old)leaving Ann with no way to operate
SSB (I forgot the spare mike). When we got home I called the big time radio
outlet that sold it to us but they didn't want to replace it. They said I'd
have to send it to Heil as defective equipment for repair - just as one
would do with a defective radio. After some heavy insistance on my part the
outlet rep agreed to send us a replacement, I would then send the defective
cable to him, and he would return it as defective from stock. The
replacement cable was also of poor quality and I ended up repairing it
myself. Obviously I saved no time by buying the cable so when we got our VI
Plus I just made it myself.
Brian KF2HC
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