[TenTec] Omni VI and Heil mike
Sat, 20 Nov 1999 14:32:11 -0800 (PST)
Would like to hear from anyone who has tried Troy's
mod and whether it allowed their Heil HC5 to do the
VOX thing afterwards ;-)
FWIW, I'd probably hold off with that C50 change
though . . .
Tnx & 73,
Barry N1EU
From: TROY WIDEMAN <tlwideman@eee.org>
Subject: [TenTec] T-T's Mod for the mike preamp
Date: Wednesday, October 15, 1997 15:45 PM
I installed the mod reported by Rick, N9THC, in the
preamp on my Omni VI. It was very similar to one I had
already devised but I decided to install a more
change. The mod (change R55 from a 330k to a 470k and
from a 47k to a 22k) does increase the gain needed by
Heil cartridges. The approach I used was to just shunt
with a 39k and insert a 139k in series with R55. An
additional mod I added was to shunt C50 (.1 ufd) with
10ufd capacitor. My voice is quite low and, by doing
the preamp accommodates my voice characteristics.
73, Troy, W6HV
--- vbbond@ix.netcom.com wrote:
> N1EU wrote:
> >
> > I don't think anyone ever disputed that the Heil
> HC5
> > sounds great on the Omni 6. It just don't want to
> do
> > VOX - that was the main issue.
> > --- Brian J Keegan <brimail@home.com> wrote:
> My wife (and I, the few times I work SSB) has been
> > > using a Heil Proset 5 on
> > > our Omni VI Plus with no problems whatsoever. We
> are
> > > both constantly told we
> > > have great audio.
> My experience has been the same: the Heil Proset
> with HC5 sounds good,
> but it's output is insufficient to comfortably and
> smoothly drive the
> vox circuit. I ultimately went with the TT705 desk
> mic which has plenty
> of output to easily drive the vox circuit while
> garnering good audio
> quality reports from others.
> Vince/K7NA
> --
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