[TenTec] Omni D.. 30 meter ?
David McClafferty
Mon, 22 Nov 1999 22:25:01 -0400 (AST)
All I did was add a crystal, 4MHz as I recall. Didn't even have to touch
up any alignment stuff. I no longer have the radio or the manual, so I
can't look it up.
73, Dave, VE1ADH
On Mon, 22 Nov 1999 KF4EIB@aol.com wrote:
> Ten Tec Guru People,
> I have a Tec Tec Omni D. Is it possible to add 30 meters capability to my
> rig?
> I can listen in on 30m, but I don't seem to be able to *lock* and tune up
> with the drive.
> NOT a wiz with this stuff, but I'm learning. What can I look for on this?
> BTW, just passed my Advanced Ticket... went from Tech Plus to Advance in one
> night. Now, I want to really get on the air with CW.
> Thanks for your time and help.
> 73,
> Gordon kf4eib / aa
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