[TenTec] How good is a Paragon?

Dale L. Martin kg5u@hal-pc.org
Wed, 24 Nov 1999 13:35:49 -0600

We use a Paragon II at our emergency operations center at work and I
have had it at home next to my Omni VI(u3).  I can say that that radio
is as sensitive as my VI(u3).  It's selectivity is not as good at the
VI(u3), but it's still very, very good.  It works great on digital,
CW, and SSB modes.

Oh, by the way, Alec, if you were banned, how would we have read your

dale, kg5u

>Don't buy it or even think about.
>It's probably the worst product they ever launched.
>I know it well, but cannot do anything - I'm fried well and out.
>For my critisism they even banned my access to the reflector.
>"Peter G. Juliano" wrote:
>> Hi TenTec Users, I have been looking to add a second TenTec rig to
>> station, aside from the Pegasus which I have. I have looked at
>> possibly a Triton 544 or Omni D version C--they are hard to come by
>> cost more than I can afford. But now I have found at least 5
>> at three different places and wonder if they are any good? The fact
>> that five are available makes me think they might be Turkeys. How
>> a Paragon stand up to an Omni D version C? Yeah, I know what
>> means; but is that advertising or something for real. Pete, W6JFR
>> I couldn't afford the Triton 544 which was offered at $425 --but I
>> still dream.

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