[TenTec] Omni-D- 30 Mtrs
Thu, 25 Nov 1999 20:23:12 -0800
I was recently able to add the 30 mtr mod to my Omni-D, series B.
I got a kit from the "Ham Shack" of Evanston, Ill.
However, I understand that it was probably the last kit that they had
on the shelf. They are a former Ten-Tec dealer before Ten-Tec
went factory direct.
Ten-Ten's service dept sent me the specs for the mod, including the
coil specs for the low-pass filter and the bandpass filter.
Most of the coils are wound over ferrite cores. They would be easy
to duplicate. However, the big problem is duplicating the
band-pass filter coil. It's similar to an IF transformer and indeed
is mounted in a can like an IF transformer.
The engineering specs from Ten-Tec are hard to read and not complete.
I just have photocopies. I'm willing to copy them again and send them
to you but they won't really solve your problem.
I'll summorize the current condition of your Omni-D.
It will receive on 10MHZ because the oscillator xtal IS present.
The other advise given on the reflector that just a xtal can be
added isn't true. The xtal is already present, for WWV reception.
In order to receive the RF output LOW-PASS filter assembly is bypassed
with a jumper in the 10MHZ bandswitch position. Receive signals are
also sent thru this filter assembly.
No RF output can currently be obtained because all the components
for 10MHz on the transmit BANDPASS FILTER PCB have been left out.
They consist of several caps and the aforementioned "IF" can BPF coil.
If this BPF is also jumpered, you WILL get 30MTR output, along
with multiple harmonics, spurs, etc - UGH. Thus you HAVE
to have both LPF and BPF operational.
If I didn't find the kit, what I was going to do was to design
my own LPF for the final stage and my own BPF using Handbook
and other sources for the formulas.
If I can help more, feel free to email.
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