[TenTec] Interfacing Omni VI+ to sound card

Ed Van Cleave, W0VC edvanc@skypoint.com
Fri, 26 Nov 1999 12:30:48 +0000

Anyone in the group interfaced their OmniVI+ to a computer sound card 
for contest digital voice keying or RTTY?  I'm using WriteLog 10.11 and I 
find the help instructions of little use.  Have not played with 
SoundBlaster much so am kinda in the dark.  

Since the Omni VI has audio-in an audio-out plugs as does the sound 
card, maybe it's straight forward. But of the four plugs, I only know 
the impedence and power output level for the TT audio-out plug plus I'm 
assuming since the audio-in plug is in parallel with the front panel 
mic plug that the impedence is similar.

Any suggestions or references for where I can find documentation on 
how to do this would be appreciated.

Ed, W0VC

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