[TenTec] FS: TT Ultramatic 645
Mon, 29 Nov 1999 13:58:39 EST
We had a Packard gas chromatograph where I used to work, but that was before
they merged with Hewlitt.
Anybody run a Pegasus in this weekend's CQ Intergalactic QSO Orgy? How'd it
73, Jim
In a message dated 29-Nov-99 11:22:29 Central Standard Time, aa8ve@juno.com
> You must really be an Old Goat if you remember Packard! That's before
> my time. I think my Mother drove one before she met my Dad!
> 73 Jeff, aa8ve
> On Mon, 29 Nov 1999 08:38:48 -0600 Ariel Elam
> <k4aal@jackatak.theporch.com> writes:
> >
> > Hi to the Reflector-- As an aside, does anyone remember when the
> > Packard
> > automobile had an automatic transmission called "Ultramatic"? (1950-
> > 1956) Or does anyone remember Packard?
> > Ten-Tec forever!! Ariel, K4AAL
> >
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