[TenTec] RE: Darn this interface!

Robert bigmack@nortexinfo.net
Mon, 04 Oct 1999 22:15:27 -0500

I will tell you that setting the freq via the interface acts very strange. 
I get it to work, and it reports a very invalid frequency when it returns. 
The front panel of the Omni looks fine, but it is reporting a freq with all 
sorts of hex characters in it.. If I send the request in again, 2nd, 
3rd,4th.....'n'th  times all works fine... Go figure.....

At 10:09 PM 10/4/99 , you wrote:
Hi Robert,

I think confusion IS the name of the game here  ;-)

Yep, TenTec says controlling N1 is not supported on
the interface but WriteLog software consistently
resets the darn thing everytime it sets the transceive
frequency via the interface.  Not a lot of fun in a
contest where you want to keep N-1 set.  Well if no
one can tell me the relationship between the interface
and N-1, then I'll just swap my filters around and
stick the least used filter in N-1.

GL & 73,
Barry  N1EU

--- Robert <bigmack@nortexinfo.net> wrote:
 > The manual states that the N1 and N2 filters are NOT
 > supported on the
 > serial interface.. I was referring to the three
 > optional filters 1.8, 500,
 > and 250... Sorry if I was a little confusing (or
 > confused)....
 >   At 10:16 AM 10/4/99 , you wrote:
 > >Robert,
 > >
 > >Can you PLEASE say how you implemented filter
 > >switching???  I could not find this in my manual
 > and I
 > >am trying to help the WriteLog programmer track
 > down a
 > >bug where the WriteLog software accidentally resets
 > >the N-1 filter switch every time it sets the
 > >transceive frequency.  And we don't even know how
 > to
 > >reset the N-1 filter if we wanted to.  Can you
 > provide
 > >this information?
 > >
 > >Tnx & 73,
 > >Barry  N1EU
 > >
 > >--- Robert <bigmack@nortexinfo.net> wrote:
 > > >
 > > > Maybe tonight, right now it is simply a display
 > mode
 > > > only type thing. I
 > > > have the filters and mode switching enabled, now
 > to
 > > > the frequency..
 > >
 > >
 > >=====
 > >
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