[TenTec] Argosy vs. Delta

Michael O. Hyder N4NT@wireco.net
Tue, 5 Oct 1999 17:05:38 -0400

Buy the Delta 580, then use them both long enough to decide which to part
with.  I'll bet you wind up keeping both rigs . . .

Regards, Mike N4NT@wireco.net

----- Original Message -----
From: Caitlyn Martin <caitlyn@netferrets.net>
To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 1999 4:43 PM
Subject: [TenTec] Argosy vs. Delta

> Hi, everyone,
> It's been a while since I've been on the reflector.  It's nice to be back.
> Anyway, I have an Argosy 525 on the way to me, which is a rig I know and
> like.  Of course, once I committed to that, a Delta 580 became available.
> The Delta puts out more power, seems to take more filters, covers all
> WARC bands, and generally has more features, but does not seem to be
> as well regarded.  I notice on the Ten Tec used price list that the
> difference in price is really pretty small.
> Does anyone care to comment about the performance of the two rigs?  Is the
> Delta a better choice (in which case I'd resell the Argosy) or am I better
> off keeping the Argosy and sacrificing the two extra bands?
> I'd love to hear from people who have experience with both rigs.
> 73,
> Caity

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