[TenTec] Omni Vi freq drift and poor keyer?

Joe L Blackwell aa4nn@juno.com
Wed, 6 Oct 1999 16:19:12 -0400

Clark Savage writes: 
> > This review of the Omni VI+ indicates that it suffers
> > from frequency drift and that the cw keying is the
> > worst on the market.  Can anyone verify these
> > comments?

What review are you looking at ?  Sure surprises me.
Must be a Jap review.
I've had Ten-Tec rigs since the 70s and would have
no other.  Fantastic for CW keying.  Omni VI+ incluced.

Like anything in life, you must consider the source of
your information and why you choose to believe it. !

73, de Joe AA4NN

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