[TenTec] Pegasus Programmin Specification, Downloadable
Carl Hyde
Thu, 7 Oct 1999 08:13:24 -0700 (PDT)
I don't think we have an issue here but I'm sure
someone will make one out of it. This will include
long boring treatices on Ten Tec and how they are a
little busy filling orders and how programming ain't
that easy and so forth. Remember that this time of
year in Tennessee is Hunting Season, to say nothing of
the corn harvest. Why if the corn harvest is good that
means that everyone is busy making Korn Likker in
their stills and they don't really have time to worry
about a downloadable programming manual. Its important
to get the vittals laid away for winter before getting
the programming manual on line. Just be a little more
patient. Instead we should be asking the Ten Tec
questions like: "Hey Stan, Didja get yer buck yet?"
> Just noticed that QST again for the third month is
> carrying the
> advertisement for the Pegasus with the promise of
> the downloadable
> programming manual.
> Three Months.
> No manual available.
> Have we got an issue here?
> Larry
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