[TenTec] Die Hard Computer Control Jjunkies...

Robert bigmack@nortexinfo.net
Sun, 10 Oct 1999 22:10:40 -0500


   Are you saying that CT will allow you to toggle RIT or XIT from the 

At 06:30 PM 10/10/99 , JAMES T BRANNIGAN wrote:

>"Total control of a HF rig from the keyboard during
>a contest is a very nice option
>to have. "
>I use CT and the remote tuning knob mounted next to the keyboard....
>During a CW contest I only face the radios to tune the amp or change
>antennas...otherwise it's just twisting a knob and pushing buttons...and an
>occasional lurch for the paddles for a little side chatter.....
>For SSB tests I use a headset mike....
>73, Jim
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