[TenTec] YAHOO!! I get to keep it! Was: 217 filter is sent back in
'good' health
Fri, 15 Oct 1999 10:12:25 -0500
Chalk one up for the TT guys (Don is the man!) My 217 filter problem has
been cleared up! It was of all things all the way back on the logic board!
Seems like there is an extra pin on the connector that feeds power to the
9mhz board, and somehow the connector was off by that one pin. Well at
least I know it wasn't my hearing that was going! The last thing Don said
before I spotted the pin was, well, I guess you are going to have to ship
it in.. Arrrrrrrg! I just caught a glimpse of that little pin sort of bent
back against another connector and BANG! it all came together ! I wouldn't
have even guessed on where to look if it hadn't been for Don....
So now I get to end this thread with a great big smile and a toy to use
this weekend!!! YES!!!
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