[TenTec] Logging with Pegasus
Steve Baron - KB3MM
Fri, 15 Oct 1999 16:01:59 -0000
Does your logging program 'do anything with the radio' i.e. try to read
frequency, set frequency, or anything other than just tap into the audio
signal ?
----- Original Message -----
From: George T. Baker <w5yr@swbell.net>
To: Ron Pletter <ronkg2bn@lightlink.com>
Cc: Ten-Tec Reflector <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: October 15, 1999 3:36 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Logging with Pegasus
> Can't offer specific Pegasus experience, Ron, but from operating an Icom
> IC-PCR1000 "computer" receiver, I have found that even with a modest
> Windows 95 computer that multi-tasking is no problem.
> I have run the receiver control program plus the Logger program with its
> PSK31 module without difficulty on a Pentium 133 MHz laptop with only 32
> meg RAM. I currently run Logger plus an almost unlimited number of
> additional programs on a Pentium III 500 MHz machine with 128 meg RAM. I
> treated myself to a 21" display on this new system so finding room for
> "enough" windows is not much of a problem. But, it could be with a 15" or
> smaller display. Even then, you can switch focus from one application to
> the other and still get by. The problem is that most of the windows
> involved cannot be resized in a pane format.
> You might run into problems trying to operate with a 486 especially with
> limited RAM, but I would expect any of the Pentium-class systems to
> handle the Pegasus plus a couple of other programs handily, provided only
> that enough RAM is available.
> Generally, I find that operating a radio from the computer poses no
> problems at all. I have a lot of years behind a screen and keyboard, so
> it comes pretty natural to twist the "knobs" with a mouse cursor! But,
> some people feel very disconnected from their radio not being able to
> feel knobs and switches. You might want to try out a demonstrator if you
> can find one. The radio being controlled - Pegasus or whatever - doesn't
> matter. You just want to find out how you feel about mousing instead of
> flipping! ;^)
> 72/73, George AMA 98452 R/C since 1964
> Amateur Radio W5YR, in the 54th year and it just keeps getting better!
> AutoPOWER Systems, Fairview, TX (30 mi NE Dallas) Collin County
> > Ron Pletter wrote:
> >
> > Hi folks--
> >
> > Since the advent of the Pegasus, I don't believe anyone has discussed
> > computer logging and Pegasus control simultaneously on one computer.
> > Would someone care to share his experience? Of concern are:
> >
> > 1. Name of Logging Program
> > 2. Number of Serial Ports needed to control Pegasus, TNC, Paddle, etc.
> > 3. Windowing Pegasus and logger windows. Do you need two computers to
> > handle all the windows?
> > 4. Good points and bad vs. a "normal" radio.
> >
> > Thanks and 73
> >
> > Ron--KG2BN
> --
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