[TenTec] Model 546 Series C

Ken fsr567@sk.sympatico.ca
Mon, 25 Oct 1999 14:02:10 -0600

Hi John,

For what it's worth, I use to own a OMNI-D. I bought the rig second hand and
it came with a complete manual and an interim manual. (the first two
sections). I still have the interim manual (any one want it? make an
offer)It talks about the OMNI-A model 545 and the OMNI-D model 546. The
front inside cover has a picture labeled OMNI-D. You can see the OMNI-D logo
on the front of the rig.

Ten Tec made several changes to the OMNI over the years, some of which were
noted with the series B and C. I believe the one I had was a "series C". A
friend had a "series B" The one difference I remember was that mine had band
positions for  30m., 17m., and 12m. It received on 30m. and need a wire cut
to transmit. To add the other bands I had to install crystals and do some
minor tuning. All the needed components were in place.

73.. Ken - VE5KC

KC's Amateur Radio Site - http://www.qsl.net/ve5kc/
KC's Canada Page - http://welcome.to/My_Canada

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-tentec@contesting.com [mailto:owner-tentec@contesting.com]On
> Behalf Of John/K4WJ
> Sent: Monday, October 25, 1999 1:05 PM
> To: tentec@contesting.com
> Subject: [TenTec] Model 546 Series C
> It has been bothering me that some folks are calling the Omni C a "Omni D
> Series C" since over the years that I've owned my Omni C I have
> never heard
> of it as a Omni D Series C.
> The front panel of my Omni has only the word Omni above the Ten-Tec logo.
> There is no letter "C" after it. My owner's manual has the word
> Omni on the
> front. There is no letter "C" after it.
> On the back of my Omni, below the heat sink and between the external
> speaker jack and linear connector, it is stamped,
> All of my repair invoices refer to the transciever as 546 and then the
> serial number follows. There is no model or series letter.
> I got out my old QST magazines and found the following.
> Omni Announced in October, 1978
> The October, 1978 QST  has a TEN-TEC advertisement that announces
> on pages
> 128 and 129,
> "there's a world of difference in TEN-TEC's  all new hf
> transceiver-- OMNI"
> The Omni was avaialble with either a digital or an analog frequency
> readout. The specifications for both OMNI models were the same except for
> the readouts
> " ANALOG OR DIGITAL READOUTS . OMNI A features an analog dial with 1 kHz
> dial markings. OMNI D has 0.43" LED readouts with the 5 most
> significant in
> red and the 6th in green to show 100 Hz increments."
> The price for these beauties was "Model 545 OMNI-A $899" and the
> "Model 546
> Omni D $1069".
> Both transceivers pictured in this advertisement have digital
> readouts and
> have "OMNI D" printed above the TEN-TEC logo on the front panel. In other
> advertisements I saw pictures of the Omni A and it had an analog dial and
> "OMNI A" above the Ten-Tec logo on the front panel.
> August, 1979
> It appears that this is the first time Ten-Tec advertised the series B.
> This advertisement announced,
> "New OMNI/SERIES B Filters The Crowd". The advertisement claims "NEW I-F
> The prices were, "Model 545 Series B OMNI-A $949" and the "Model
> 546 Series
> B OMNI-D $1119". Pictures of the digital model show OMNI-D printed above
> the logo on the front panel. Ten-Tec continued to offer an analog and a
> digital version of the Omni.
> May, 1980
> In QST on page 109 I found the first Omni - Series C advertisement. It
> said, "new features, new performance + all 9 bands". The price line says
> "Model 546 Omni - Series C...$1189" The front panel has "OMNI" printed
> above the logo and the A and D were dropped.
> The digital "Model 546 Omni - Series C" replaced the analog "Model 545
> Series B Omni-A" and the digital "Model 546 Series B Omni-D" in May, 1980.
> In summary, the Ten-Tec OMNI models were as follows,
> Omni Analog Models
> Model 545 OMNI-A $899 announced around October, 1978
> Model 545 Series B OMNI-A $949 announced around August, 1979
> Omni Digital Models
> Model 546 Omni D  $1069 announced around October, 1978
> Model 546 Series B OMNI-D  $1119 announced around August, 1979
> Model 546 Omni - Series C  $1189 announced around May, 1980
> I don't know why some folks refer to their 'Omni C' as the 'Omni-D Series
> C' because the latter never existed. If anyone has information
> that it did,
> then I sure would like to see it. Since there was no analog
> version of the
> C series, calling it the Omni C should be good enough.
> 73..de John/K4WJ
> ***********************************************************
> John/K4WJ in Pembroke Pines, FL
>     QTH  26 00 51 N
>          80 16 16 W
> K8PXG from 18 Jun 59 to 11 Feb 97
> K8WJ  from 12 Feb 97 to 07 Apr 97
> ZF2HZ from 17 May 84 to 31 Dec 84
> ***********************************************************
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Submissions:              tentec@contesting.com
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