[TenTec] Tentec Scout/ "Anything Positive"

Robert Weingaertner weingaertner@nac.net
Fri, 29 Oct 1999 12:07:24 -0400

Actually the Scout uses a 2940 type regulator that is spec'd to
operate at 11V. Some owners have reported problems with running
the Scout on battery (nominally 12 V), but I think most of these
problems are due to weak batteries, RF feedback, or too much resistance
in the line. I found a porblem with my own mobile installation. I
used a crimped lug on the power connector at the battery and found it
had gotten very corroded. Needless to say, now all such connections
are soldered! 

For various reasons, I could't run Field Day this year,
so I just operated for a few hours from home powering the Scout using
a 7 amp-hour gel cell. Its great fun using the Scout in a primitive 
setup (good drill for the imagined Y2K crisis!)

	73, Bob WB2VUF

	73, Bob

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, P.E. wrote:
> If the regulated voltage in the Scout is 10 volts and there's a 7810
> providing that voltage, it fits with needing more than 12 volts to run.
> There's an equivalent LM2900 family chip LM2940T-10.0 that should drop
> in and regulate the ten volts with no more than 10.5 volts supply.
> 73, Jerry, K0CQ
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