[TenTec] Playing the Mic Game

vbbond@ix.netcom.com vbbond@ix.netcom.com
Sun, 05 Sep 1999 23:50:31 -0700

My thanks to all who responded to my recent post regarding which 
mics interface well with the Omni 6+. A number of good suggestions were 
offered. As a result of the consensus presented, I'm wondering if anyone 
has a MINT (non-smoker) TT705 mic sitting in a closet that could find a 
home here at K7NA. If so, please email me with your price and mic 
condition etc. I'm looking for a mint condx mic to go with a new Omni.
    This is a very subjective area but I enjoy tinkering with various 
mics and the TT705 will make a fine addition to my collection on the 
Omni. Again, my thanks to all those who took the time to comment.

                                    Carlsbad, Ca

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