[TenTec] Pegasus

Carl Hyde cshyde@yahoo.com
Wed, 8 Sep 1999 08:32:43 -0700 (PDT)

Go buy a pair of nice Amplified PC speakers at a
computer show and plug them into the Pegasus headphone
jack.  Works fine, fails safe and you can all quit
whining.  Sheesh!

--- Scott Howell <whowell@hq.nasa.gov> wrote:
> please tell me I've missed something. If there's no
> speaker jack, than you
> only have a headphone jack and internal speaker? If
> you got the rig sitting
> on the floor by the pc as I would do (on a platform)
> that means you now are
> limited to headset only.
> Hmmmm what's up here.
> 73 de Scott/n3byy
> ay an external speaker jack is a must.
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