[TenTec] Pegasus Software/PcPakRatt Version 1.0/NT 4.0 Performance
Robert Wooldridge
Thu, 9 Sep 1999 10:17:24 -0700 (PDT)
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--- Steve Baron <SteveBaron@starlinx.com> wrote:
> That is certainly one way to go that but is not risk
> free especially with
> Norton stuff. Versions and file dependencies are
> very complicated and may
> be totally ignored by some programs. Problems
> created by users e.g.
> repeatedly installing a program without uninstalling
> it typically remain.
> IMHO, the preferred way is for the vendor to
> 'expose' the files so one can
> look before installing.
> There is a somewhat false sense of security created
> by some of the wizards
> which are used by the software developers. Things
> are made to look so
> simple, but there are some real traps.
> Picture the person who spends time doing all they
> can to over come their Y2K
> paranoia only to then laod a program which over
> writes their updates !
> Same type of thing with NT service packs.
> It 'ain't' horrible but their are definitely times
> when is isn't very
> friendly, so I prefer to check first.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bill_Ames@hyperion.com
> <Bill_Ames@hyperion.com>
> To: geraldj@ames.net <geraldj@ames.net>
> Cc: Steve Baron <SteveBaron@starlinx.com>; Karl
> Heimbach
> <heimbachk@mindspring.com>; tentec@contesting.com
> <tentec@contesting.com>
> Date: Thursday, September 09, 1999 5:23 PM
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Pegasus Software/PcPakRatt
> Version 1.0/NT 4.0
> Performance
> >
> >
> >
> >There are programs that will record every file that
> is installed when you
> do an
> >install and make a backup of any file that the
> install changes. You can
> even
> >have this program uninstall the most recent
> installed program. Norton
> Uninstall
> >is one that I have used. Someone should use such a
> tool and tell us just
> what is
> >being installed.
> >
> >
> >Bill Ames
> >KB1LG
-Bob Wooldridge KC0DXF
-Web Mail: kc0dxf@yahoo.com
-Web: http://www.qsl.net/kc0dxf/
-See Also: http://www.anet-stl.com/~mcsg/
-Via HAM radio repeaters in St. Louis: 146.85, 442.10
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