[TenTec] Pegasus Software/PcPakRatt Version 1.0/NT 4.0 Performance

Robert Wooldridge kc0dxf@yahoo.com
Thu, 9 Sep 1999 20:18:38 -0700 (PDT)


Sorry to continue this computer thread but I think it
is important for HAMs to understand that there is a
choice in Operating Systems and the Linux choice is
becoming more and more viable.  I believe it will not
be long before venders such as TenTec come out with
Linux software and in the mean time, people will begin
to write their own!

The fragmentation issue is a non issue.  Read this

Yes there are many versions of GNU/Linux systems but
they all use the same kernel and the same executable
binary format so they can all easily run the same
programs.  Even FreeBSD can run many of the Linux
executables.  This is in contrast to the propriatary
versions of UNIX which were closed source and each had
there own executable format.  The developers of Debian
are very carful to make sure all applications are
stable before they are released.  There is much more
cooperation in Free software development compared to
the world of propriatary software.

Enough said.  You need to try loading a Gnu/Linux
system and see for yourself! 

--- Steve Baron <SteveBaron@starlinx.com> wrote:
> I believe that you get what you pay for.
> The last time I looked there were over 200 flavors
> of Unix with many
> significant differences.  There are now several
> flavors of Linux....any
> differences ?
> The use of core resident shareable packages goes
> back many years, at least
> as far back as DEC's VMS.  They have also been
> available in QNX.
> This is the alternative to the standard Unix
> approach of each application
> carrying along its copy of a run time library -
> although that is changing.
> The problem with DLL's is not the fact that it is a
> DLL, but rather a
> consequence of how we do business these days.
> MS writes a DLL; quality control is some what
> lacking.   Bugs appear or new
> functionality is required so a new version appears.
> Many developers could care less about worrying about
> DLL versions and really
> do not act in a responsible manner.
> Users are 'suckers' and will load anything - just to
> try it - especially if
> a game, bootleg copy, etc.
> Hard to see how Debian changes that.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Wooldridge <kc0dxf@yahoo.com>
> To: tentec@contesting.com <tentec@contesting.com>
> Date: Thursday, September 09, 1999 6:19 PM
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Pegasus Software/PcPakRatt
> Version 1.0/NT 4.0
> Performance
> >
> >Why not choose a free operating system?  The Debian
> >project is a not for profit Linux based
> Distribution.
> >The Debian Social contract is a guarantee of
> >commitment to users that all software will conform
> to
> >the Debian Free Software Guidelines (which are the
> >same as the Open Source definition).
> >http://www.debian.org/social_contract/
> >
> >The current distribution (2.1) contains over 2000
> >software packages (including many HAM apps) which
> are
> >stable and do not load conflicting libraries (like
> >DLLs) when you install one.  All dependencies are
> >managed by the three level Debian package
> management
> >system which also allows easy upgrades to the whole
> >system
> >
> >Of course, Debian will run on intel x86 based
> >computers as well as many others.
> >
> >More info:
> >http://www.debian.org
> >
> >

-Bob Wooldridge KC0DXF
-Web Mail: kc0dxf@yahoo.com
-Web: http://www.qsl.net/kc0dxf/
-See Also: http://www.anet-stl.com/~mcsg/
-Via HAM radio repeaters in St. Louis: 146.85, 442.10
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