[TenTec] QSK clicking

Steve Ellington n4lq@iglou.com
Fri, 17 Sep 1999 10:04:07 -0400 (EDT)

Note: I said MOST. Omni A through D used the reed relay. All Paragons,
Omni 5's etc also used it. I'm not sure about the Corsair using diode
switching at the antenna. Are you sure? Someone with a Corsair needs to
put their ear on the cabinet and listen. Century 21 and 22 used diodes.
I'll have to check the Argosy I have. 

On Fri, 17 Sep 1999 JimN0OCT@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 17-Sep-99 05:23:17 Central Daylight Time, n4lq@iglou.com 
> [Steve Ellington] writes:
> >  This little relay
> >  has been used in most TT rigs since ancient Tritons roamed the earth.
> I beg to differ here.  It was used in the Argo 505, but not the 509 or 515.  
> The Corsairs didn't have a T/R relay, either.  All diode T/R.
> How about the Omni-A/B/C and Paragons?  Never owned one of those.
> Jim
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Steve Ellington N4LQ

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