[TenTec] Type and Size of Ten-Tec Transformer

Duane Budd dbudd@planetc.com
Mon, 20 Sep 1999 13:23:06 -0400

Aw come on, Paul....Don't let one little sour grape spoil your fun. The
reflector is here for interchange of information; most of us believe there
are no stupid questions, just stupid answers. Gee - didn't you notice Steve
Baron can't even spell "measured" and "ratings? <tongue in cheek here!>

    "Wonder if both mfgrs are talking actual current draw - meased
     with meter - during operation or whether they are just giving
     nominal ratibgs."

Stay with us, I, for one, enjoyed your thread and learned a bit besides.


Budd, W5BEN
Duane Budd


Date: Sun, 19 Sep 1999 21:14:21 -0400
From: "Paul" <pfb@eriecoast.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Type and Size of the Tentec Transformer

I guess this is old knowledge and not worth wasting "bandwidth on" so I will
graciously move along and not be a pest by asking these or making any more
Inquiries here.  I could not nave learned as much any where else on the
internet -- I tried and it wasn't available.  I surely have not seen this in
any of the threads before ---all who have responded  Thanks. To those I whom
felt it a bore or " a lot of bandwidth" on the subject,   I apologize for
wasting the space.  To those searching the net and stumbling on this---I
hope it helps you too decide and learn.

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