[TenTec] Copying CW in your head

Jim Reid jreid@aloha.net
Thu, 23 Sep 1999 13:16:54 -1000

> Something nobody has mentioned is that to be a really good CW
> conversationalist, you have to be able to spell! Judging by some of the
> email postings, that may not apply to every would-be CW hotshot.  :-)

Guess we concentrate on ideas,  Alex.  Have tried to be
careful with  email spelling,  use the spell checker,  but
at times the homonym feature of the language trips-up
both my spelling and the checkers intentions.

BTW,  the use of abbreviations vs. full words is sometimes
not wise.  Depends upon the context of the overall idea
being sent.  Again,  the idea,  and its' communication is the
object -- perhaps not the detail of the grammar or spelling
in the context of an amateur radio CW QSO.

Of course,  here on the Internet,  some accuracy in 
both ought to be attempted,  hi.

73,  Jim,  KH7M

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