[TenTec] Southpaw CW (was Re: Copying CW in your head)
Peter A. Klein
Fri, 24 Sep 1999 23:58:05 -0700
Keith Darwin, KD1E says:
>When I was a novice, I learned to send right handed with a straight key
>(I'm right handed). When I moved to a keyer, I taught myself left handed
>instead of right handed so I could hold a pencil in one hand and send CW
>with the other. I don't reverse the paddles, I just slide them over to the
>left side of the OP desk. So to me, the thumb is for dah's and the finger
>is for dits.
Interesting. I am left-handed. But I'm the kind of left-hander who uses a
baseball bat or tennis racket like a right-hander. I also do not "hook" my
hand when writing. The left brain/right brain theories have something to
say about this. Anyway, I always found it natural to copy with my left and
send with my right.
In 1990, I had a carpal-tunnel type of injury to my right hand. During the
time I had rest my right hand, I learned to use the keyer with my left
hand. I did reverse the paddles, so the thumb was always for dits. I
consider it an inside-outside thing rather than a left-right thing.
I'm the same way with computer mice. I'm what I call
ambi-mousey-dexterous. On my own machines, I have the mouse set up
left-handed. When I help other people, I use their right-handed setup.
Again, I think of it as an inside-outside thing, rather than a left-right
thing. What gets me is how all Microsoft documents refer to "left click"
and "right click," so I have learned that when supporting other people, the
index finger is always "left," even if it's "right."
(And don't anyone get started on the political implications of this!!! :-)
Of course this drives other people nuts when they try to use my machine.
Once a compulsive corporate type actually tried to force me to use a
right-handed mouse on the grounds that he "couldn't support non-standard
73 from KD7MW,
--- Peter
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