[TenTec] Heil Goldline Mic

Mike R. n4zn@amsat.org
Wed, 29 Sep 1999 02:28:15 -0400

 Well Dave, I have one and am not really impressed with it. Alot of fellas
have them out there, and seem to be satisfied with them. I just figuered
I'de give the benefit of any "heads up", if only one.

 I had a real bunch of problems getting it to even drive the mic input with
enough to achieve anything but a tickle on the ALC when hollaring into the
mic.  A trip to Heil Sound for a once over, and the addition of the "XT-1"
matching transformer, and two excursions into the internal gain adjustments,
I have achieved what I would call miniumal satisfaction. 

 The Goldline element had way too much bottom end. But then again, I have a
*bad radio voice*, lots of lows anyway, and seems to peak in the deaf edges
of most mic elements. I was loud, but very mushy.

 I also have to be right on top of it to keep the speech compression from
"hunting" for my voice in the room unless I'm within 4 inches of the mic. On
the other hand, after the two time hunt and peck for optimal compromise, any
other mic gets hot real quick on the mic gain setting.

 Audio is a subjective thing, some like the sound of the heil on the hc-4
element... NONE liked it on the goldline element, and some said an old
turner mic I had laying around sounded better than the heil. I'm just
speaking from an operational viewpoint that it wouldn't be my mic of choice.
Everyone tells me to try the TT705
mic on it (Omni VI+).

 I have a friend who has a hc-5 element I'm going to try in it, but I also
plan on getting a 705. If you can "try before you buy" from a friend, I'de
do so first (but I doubt you have any friends with goldlines, as you are
posting ur query here).

 Also heard that Astatic D-104's are popular with the TTers, but I
experience a RF problem in the D-104 (common problem).

 So, I suppose that muddied the waters a little... although I have a bad
voice, most YeaComWoods can handle the problem with reletive ease with DSP
and mic gain.  Of course, if you have to have one, we might come to an
agreement that might save you some money.

 I'm kind of anxious to hear some others opinions as I was to embarrased to
ask myself.
73, Mike/N4ZN
Charleston, SC - USA

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