[TenTec] Re: QSK-5

Roy Koeppe royanjoy@ncn.net
Sun, 2 Apr 2000 14:23:55 -0500

"Hi Gang,
  Has anyone used a QSK-5 with a TEN-TEC rig and a non-QSK amplifier?
converted an AL80-A to operate QSK with a CORSAIR II?  Any information
would be appreciated."

Jerry  K8JRO


Lew, K1NDV struggled for literally a year trying to make a QSK-5 work.
Never could get the timing right--if you look at  the schematic you can
see why.

He now uses QSK-1500 with perfect results. They interface as if they
were designed for each other using the QSK jacks. I use a QSK-1500 with
OMNI-6+ too.

73,      Roy       K6XK            Iowa

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