[TenTec] Argosy 525 A Mods ?
Sat, 8 Apr 2000 22:14:44 EDT
In a message dated 4/8/00 11:27:27 PM !!!First Boot!!!, Gdn1@rocketmail.com
I just bought a Argosy 525 (analog) and it appears to be a
great rig in most aspects, the only change I'd make at the
present is perhaps a bit faster AGC attack. I seem to get a
bit of a 'pop' when receiving the first character of a
strong CW signal. I wonder if anyone has a URL etc for any
mods ? ... Also would like to find the 10 amp magnetic
breaker for use on QRO (currently just use it for QRP) but
those appear to be quite rare :(
73 Gary K8IQ >
Gary, I have found that many of the older Ten Tec rigs have the tendency for
the first character of a received cw signal to cause the AGC popping sound
you described. I found the hard way not to wear headphones when using the
older rigs. I still have ringing in my ears from the popping AGC, hi. I would
strongly suggest you find a mod to eliminate this problem. Good luck de K2ZF
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