[TenTec] Forsale

Bill Nicolson n2wf@erols.com
Fri, 21 Apr 2000 12:41:36 -0400

Hi, no takers on my last post so I will drop my price to the bottom!!!

1. Omni VI (level-1 Upgrade to plus)
2. 961 power supply
3. 1.8k, 500, 250 filters in 6.3MHz IF
4. 500 Filter in 9MHz IF (Narrow Button)
5. Model 257 Voice Synthesizer Board
6. 705 desk mic
7. Manual
The rig, ps & mic are in very nice condition and every thing works

Price is $1650 firm with shipping to CUS
tnx de Bill n2wf@erols.com

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