Wed, 26 Apr 2000 20:36:52 -0400
I have for sale an OMNI six (563) fully factory upgraded to a PLUS with
the 1.8, 500 and 250 HZ 6.3 MHZ filters, plus an IR 2.1KHZ filter in the
9MHZ IF, slot 1.
The unit is a 9 on a scale of 1 to 10. a few small scratches on the top
front metal bezel. The radio has just been factory aligned and the
latest EPROM installed, etc last October (1999) I am asking $1700 and I
will ship UPS in the CONUS. The 961 PS I will sell for $100, but you
must pay shipping.
If interested, contact K3BO at bhalterman@desupernet.net
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