[TenTec] FS: Titan 425
Joseph Koppi
Sat, 5 Aug 2000 10:41:26 -0500
Hi, guys: I've had mixed emotions about this for quite some time, but I
think I am now ready to offer for sale my Titan 425; but I've got a somewhat
unusual story.
I bought the Titan used from TT last July. It is one of the later model
Titans, but not a Titan Gold. I paid $1900 plus shipping. I dealt with
Stan Brock (who, by the way, is from this neck of the woods). Stan was very
helpful. I took delivery of the Titan in early July, but I have never
unpacked it. It is sitting in my front entry way unopened for over a year.
Thus, if I offer it for sale, I can't really say how well it works. I
thought about selling it back to Ten-Tec, but Stan told me that the only
thing he could do is offer $1550 on a trade-in. Stan said he would be
willing to verify to anyone who calls that I did, indeed, buy the Titan from
TT. Of course, he can't speak to the amp's current condition, but, as I
said, it is still unopened in the box.
So, it comes to this: if anyone is interested in the Titan, I will be
willing to sell it for $1600 plus shipping. I realize that the
circumstances are somewhat unusual, so we should probably talk about it.
You can reach me in the evenings at (651) 457-2916. If I'm not here (my son
plays baseball two or three nights a week and some weekends), leave a
message and I'll return the call.
Let me know if you're interested.
Joe Koppi, WØSU
St. Paul, MN
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