[TenTec] 3CX800A7 Tubes

Sherrill WATKINS SEWATKINS@dgs.state.va.us
Mon, 14 Aug 2000 11:58:15 -0400

Stan:  Thank's for the really great russian information.  I may stand corrected on this but a book that I read some time ago about russia in the 30's mentioned that the Communist Partry had "approved" names for children of members of the Soviet Communist Party, i.e. the Central Committee of the Communist Party (CCCP).  These were names that members of the  communist party in russia were expected to give to their children.  Sevetlana, Olga and Ludmilla must have been some of the approved names? - Sherrill k4own

>>> "Stan Jacox" <stan@studio-maint.com> 08/14/00 11:25AM >>>

From: Sherrill WATKINS <SEWATKINS@dgs.state.va.us>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] 3CX800A7 Tubes

> Ten Tec gang:  For a lesson in Russian history; Sevetlana was the daughter
of Joseph Stalin.  - Sherrill k4own

If you were to guess the name of an unknown Russian woman, Stalin's daughter
or otherwise, the odds are really good that she will be named one of the 3
most common feminine names in Russia, Svetlana, Olga or Ludmila.  Svetlana
means "Light" in Russian, That is an appropriate name for a light bulb
company.  I know dozens of girls with each of those names.  Natasha is the
4th most popular.  "Svetlana" when spoken by an American sounds awkward but
when a lovely ( and most are lovely, frequent travelers rate the beauty and
femininity of the Russian women to be #1 in the world, I agree after 14
trips) Russian girl it has a musical sound that is really pleasant to hear.
I've quietly called out my date's name, Olga,  when I saw her approaching
among the crowd exiting the Metro and had 30% of the women responded.

I've been to the plant in Saint Petersburg, and been by it dozens of times.
They still are the largest light bulb manufacturer but they have closed down
several of the production buildings.  It seems that their tube production is
not as steady as their distributors would like. I've spec'd a tube (3CX300B)
for an audio power amplifier to be built by a hi-end hi-fi manufacturer and
no one knows when and if small production qualities will be available.  It
might work best to simply offer an "incentive" to a production line worker
to appropriate a few each week ;>)

I just got back from a month in Saint Petersburg and I'm returning in mid
October to my favorite city in the world.  This time I'll have my operating
permit so I'll set up my Paragon in my apartment and a 20 m dipole on the 4
th story roof in the history city center.  Unfortunately the Paragon is not
on their approved equipment list so I'll have to arrange for testing so it
will be added.  All the Japanese rigs are on the list, along with many
American rigs from the 60's on. My other alternative is to take my already
approved TS-50S, ...Nah!


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