[TenTec] Omni 6+ Noise Blanker
Bob & Linda McGraw K4TAX
Wed, 16 Aug 2000 07:37:01 -0700
Gee, seems that Bob found out what a GOOD radio is all about. Mine
works the same way too.
Bob Mauro - PeopleNet wrote:
> I just got my Omni 6+ last Wednesday. I read the manual after playing
> with all the knobs and buttons. i even tried the noise blanker knob.
> there was a little background noise. Well, made no dent in it. But it
> was the wrong kind of noise. last night i got a 10 over 9 rush of noise
> from something that used to wipe out my Omni A and Scout. Well, i turned
> the noise blanker knob fully clockwise and THE NOISE VANISHED. I could
> hear a Checz Rep station perfectly. he was just S 3. i turned the noise
> blanker knob fully counter clockwise and the noise was back at 10+9! i
> turned the n.b. knob clockwise again and the noise vanished and the checz
> station was there at s 3. Amazing!
> Bob Mauro, Mauro@Idt.Net Amateur Radio Station KZ2G
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> My DisAbility Website http://idt.net/~mauro
> My Amateur Radio Website http://idt.net/~mauro/kz2g.html
> My Levittown, NY Website http://idt.net/~mauro/levittwn.html
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> If my IDT mail bounces, send it to kz2g@altavista.com
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