[TenTec] Help with a manual please...

Dillon, W w.dillon@ic.ac.uk
Wed, 16 Aug 2000 16:30:19 +0100

Hello Guys 'n' Gals out there in Ten-Tec land.

I was wondering if any of you could help me out with a manual for a newly
acquired TT model 263 VFO,  I will of course reimburse expenses and as a
future service to Ten-Tec fans make an electronic copy of the manual
available to help out future requests such as mine.

Thanks for the bandwidth,

72/3! de Wayne - G0JJQ     G-QRP-5233     FISTS-0851     ARRL     RSGB and
proud owner of some fine Ten-Tec radios.

"I have never let my schooling get in the way of my education"
						Mark Twain.
Wayne S. Dillon
I.C. Estates division
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
Exhibition Road
South Kensington

0207 594 9030
0973 321 733


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