[TenTec] Mic

seweber@netnitco.net seweber@netnitco.net
Thu, 17 Aug 2000 14:23:40 -0500

I haven't had my 540 on the air for a while, but I almost always used an
Astatic D-104 lollipop microphone.  That mic drew unsolicited "beautiful
audio" comments out of the woodwork.  I tried several other mics with that
rig including a TenTec of the same vintage, and nothing even came close!

Besides, the D-104 has a classic radio look that people just love.

73 de KD9BO Steve

At 7:16 AM -0500 8/17/00, ekwik@rtimail.com wrote:
>What would be a good mic to ues with my old Triton IV 540?  I do QRP CW
>only but thinking about doing a Ham Radio demo at the kids school and know
>SSB would be more interesting than CW.
>Ed  AB8DF

Steve Weber

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