[TenTec] FS: Omni V
Joseph Koppi
Sat, 19 Aug 2000 11:37:18 -0500
Hi, everyone: I would like to list for sale my Omni V for $1100. This is
the radio only; no power supply and no filters other than the standard 2.4
The radio is in very nice condition. It has QRP capabilities--I think it
puts out about 3.5 watts when the power is reduced. It is quite clean, I'd
say in the 9.0 range. I bought it locally two or three years ago without
the original carton, but I'm willing to get a sturdy carton and pack the
radio suitably for shipping.
I do have all four accessory filters installed right now. If you're
interested in buying the radio with the complete filter set, I'll sell the
package for $1300. That is just $75 more than TT sells the Omni V used
without filters; it amounts to four filters for $75--less than the price of
a single filter.
Otherwise, I've been thinking about selling the filters separately or
perhaps keeping them for a future TT rig. I bought all of the filters new
from TT for $79 each. The set includes: 6.3 MHz IF = 1.8, .500. and .250;
in the 9 MHz IF I have the .500 KHz filter.
Terms will be cash in advance via cashier's check or postal money order. I
will email you the UPS tracking number so that you can plan for the radio's
arrival. No CODs, please.
I'll try to check into the TT net on 14.257 on Sunday, 8/20. Lately,
conditions haven't been too good from here, but it may provide an
opportunity for you to hear the rig if you're interested.
I've been a ham now coming up on 38 years and I must say I've enjoyed many
TT radios during that time. I still have an Omni C with the remote. I'm
selling the Omni V to help my daughter with her tuition at the University of
If your're interested, you can reply via email to me privately. I'll be
checking this all weekend--as I normally do. If you'd care to call, I can
be reached at (651) 457-2916. I should be home all day today (I'm cleaning
the garage!) and most of tomorrow. Am also available evenings after about 7
p.m. CDST.
Thanks and 73 to all,
Joe Koppi, W�SU
St. Paul, MN
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