[TenTec] Re: ALC
Bob & Linda McGraw K4TAX
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 07:36:20 -0800
The Omni VI+ does have ALC. Look between the MIC/PWR and the AF/RF
controls. There you will find a LED marked ALC.
If the power and MIC controls are adjusted correctly, the ALC LED will
flash on voice peaks. If it stays lit then the MIC level or the audio
into the mic input is incorrect or the PWR control is fully
counter-clockwise (off).
ALC function on the OMNI VI+ is very transparent. That's one reason the
audio is typically very good.
Roy Koeppe wrote:
> About,
> "Hi,
> Can someone tell me if there is a way to determine if the ALC on an Omni
> VI+ is functioning properly?
> Thanks,"
> Vince Santis, N1VS
> Winsted, CT
> Don't think there IS any ALC on an OMNI-6+. (So, that would be a good
> trick to determine it?).
> 73, Roy K6XK Iowa
> --
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