[TenTec] Ten Tec OMNI V & Paragon Realignment.

Richard G3XVF g3xvf@btinternet.com
Mon, 25 Dec 2000 13:01:42 -0000

A Very Happy Christmas to all,

I am about to realign my Ten Tec Omni V  and
Ten Tec Paragon Transceivers.

Has anyone had on hand experience, alignment
of the PLL,s   and Xtal Oscillators in these
transceivers ?

If you have please get in touch, via the
newsgroup, or you can email me direct.

Thank you,

73  de  Richard.

QTH:   Norwich, Norfolk, England.

Email:     g3xvf@btinternet.com

AX25:      GB7LDI.#35.GBR.EU

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