[TenTec] Omni 6 filters needed
Tom Delker
Wed, 23 Feb 2000 11:11:40 -0600
I am looking for used filters for the Omni 6+ (Tentec or Inrad). Please
e-mail direct.
Thomas M. Delker - K1KY CFO#395 - Smyrna / Gallatin / Short Mtn. TN
A.R.R.L. District Emergency Coordinator - Tennessee District #4
C.A.T.S. (W4CAT) - 147.30/145.23/145.49/145.17/223.98/444.45/444.65
Stones River A.R.C. (K4FUN) - http://www.members.home.com/srarc
Tennessee Contest Group (K4TCG) - http://www.k4ro.net/tcg.html
CODE WARRIOR © #2 - Mobile CW Operator
"Putting code on the road using the primary mode"
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