[TenTec] Larry/VA3LK

Phil Cuellar pcuellar@bright.net
Sat, 22 Jul 2000 18:53:37 -0400

I don't think it's a matter of people getting feelings hurt or blind
loyalty. What is happening is someone is trying to utilize something for
things it was never designed to do.

I am not an engineer, but I make my living fixing engineers'
screw-ups...Believe me, there are just as many bad engineers as good ones,
so the fact that someone is an engineer doesn't necessarily impress me. What
the engineer does speaks louder to me than what he has hanging on his wall.

The "real deal" with the Pegasus is it was designed to be a mid-range, PC
controlled HF transceiver that would be attractive to many Amateurs. It does
exactly what it is designed to do quite nicely. If somebody is trying to
make a Porsche out of a Volkswagen, they'd better be prepared to do some
major improvisations.
As the Marines say, "improvise, adapt, overcome".

73 de KI8JQ - Phil

P.S. - As far as the comment of there being other radios as good as Ten Tec:
I have not personally witnessed this so far....with the POSSIBLE exception
of the K2.

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