[TenTec] ten-tec fs

Dan Pearson ki5jb@yahoo.com
Thu, 22 Jun 2000 16:27:04 -0700 (PDT)

 HI Folks! I have 2 nice omni-c's one/w warc.w/nrad
400kc and 2.4 fltrs $500,243 vfo $150,centaur$600w/
extra rca's,Omni-c w/o 17m,$350,1.8kc 9mc filt $50-
scout/w 40m and 17m mods $350 ,tt 20amp ps $60 for
the omni-c,all bought from ten-tec all have manuales
you ship.delivery on reciept of payment.tnx 73 dan 

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